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Another Cracking Idea - Glamour Cosmetic Mirrors with Logo Branding

Personalised Branding with a Personal Cosmetic Mirror

Personalised Branding with a Personal Cosmetic Mirror

These Company Branded Glamour Cosmetic Mirrors are absolutely genius advertising and they make a big impact on your advertising. Perfect for the cosmetic industry, this is a promotional gift to place your bets on as it's a sure winner.
They are suitable as freebies and their 4 colour choice with a single colour print provides good visual retention of your company brand-name and logo.
Hand out a batch today and continue as normal with your marketing campaign - but be sure to reward yourself because you would have made a wise step in advertising today.
Whether you are in the cosmetic industry or you perhaps run a hair salon? .. What a great promotional idea that will last a long time and provide consistent advertising so the customer will remember your name.


Company Branded Glamour Cosmetic Mirrors

Don't worry about this part - just provide us the artwork and we'll do the rest. We've branded thousands of promotional items and we're experts at it!

Zoom keyring with logo 2024 CD box calendar

Promotional Items: 0-9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

We accept these credit/debit cards
Independent Network of Calendar Agents

Calendar Lady Promotions
14A, Gloucester Road, Herefordshire, HR9 5BU
Tel:- 01989 565281 Fax:- 01989 565285

Promota - Professional Merchandise Trade Association