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Imprinted Tangles

Imprinted Tangles

Imprinted TanglesUntangle yourself from the recession with our Imprinted Tangles!
Hand out a batch of these Imprinted Tangles to your customers and give your brand-name a boost.
Transclucent, coloured or mirrored, your company branding and imprinted logo will look great on these company freebies.

Oh, and they are great for all age groups and are wonderful anxiety relievers too!
Our Imprinted Tangles are a very popular item and getting more and more popular each month. The reason being, that it is so easy just to get your details printed, give them away to customers, colleagues, friends or family and let them all get addicted to the twists and turns that can make this cute little advertising tool so interesting. Each time it is picked up and used, your details will be displayed for all to see. Our Imprinted Tangles are just great for people of all ages. Whoever you give them away to, will not be able to resist trying to form a new shape or design by twisting and bending this way and that and at each turn your details will be displayed. This is such an easy, effective and inexpensive way for you to get your name shown constantly. So give us a call and ask our friendly sales team to get your company logo, name and phone number printed onto the Imprinted Tangles today. Stay ahead of the game with this popular stress relieving puzzle.

To find out more about other novelty gifts besides our Imprinted Tangles click here.

To find out more about our Imprinted Tangles click here and fill in the contact form and we'll get straight back to you.

Other promotional and personalised items besides our Imprinted Tangles click here.

Zoom keyring with logo 2024 CD box calendar

Promotional Items: 0-9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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Independent Network of Calendar Agents

Calendar Lady Promotions
14A, Gloucester Road, Herefordshire, HR9 5BU
Tel:- 01989 565281 Fax:- 01989 565285

Promota - Professional Merchandise Trade Association