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Logo Branded speakers

Logo Branded speakers

Logo Branded speakersThese Logo Branded speakers are an amazing product to promote your business with, they are great quality light weight and portable.

These speakers are also a great travel companion, you can plug this speaker into your mp3 player or phone and listen in an instant!
This product om in black, silver, red or blue.
Size - 56 x 52 x 33mm
Print - 25 x 5mm
Quantity - 100, 250, 500

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For prices on Logo Branded speakers call 01989 565281 or click here.

Zoom keyring with logo 2024 CD box calendar

Promotional Items: 0-9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

We accept these credit/debit cards
Independent Network of Calendar Agents

Calendar Lady Promotions
14A, Gloucester Road, Herefordshire, HR9 5BU
Tel:- 01989 565281 Fax:- 01989 565285

Promota - Professional Merchandise Trade Association