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Logo Jumbo Paper Clips

Logo Jumbo Paper Clips

Logo Jumbo Paper ClipsClip a Logo Jumbo Paper Clip to an invoice next time you bill your customer and you'll be sure to get more business next time round.
Small but packing a punch, Logo Jumbo Paper Clips are just the thing to expose your Company brand name and logo as well as serve as a practical business gift that's sure to be reused time and time again.
Easy to store and small to mail to customers - advertising your brandname and logo is as easy as it can be, and with a 1 colour personalised print, customers won't miss your branding!!

For a FREE QUOTE, please fill in the form regarding our Logo Jumbo Paper Clips and we'll be able to help you.

Why not have a look a our Promotional gifts department for more excellent promotional gifts.

Zoom keyring with logo 2024 CD box calendar

Promotional Items: 0-9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

We accept these credit/debit cards
Independent Network of Calendar Agents

Calendar Lady Promotions
14A, Gloucester Road, Herefordshire, HR9 5BU
Tel:- 01989 565281 Fax:- 01989 565285

Promota - Professional Merchandise Trade Association