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Personalised Cocktail Stirrers

Personalised Cocktail Stirrers

Personalised Cocktail StirrersPersonalised cocktail stirrers are available in many different colours and various shapes to order.
Stir up some advertising magic with your favourite beverage, and you'll be surprised at how well these swizzle sticks can work for you!
Our Personalised Cocktail Stirrers are 180x35mm.
Plenty of room to carry your company details and logo. So whether you're a bar or a bistro, our Personalised Cocktail Stirrers will add that personal touch to any occasion.

To look at some of our different personalised items besides our Personalised cocktail stirrers click here.

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To find out more about our Personalised Cocktail Stirrers click here and fill in the contact form and we'll get straight back to you.

Personalised Cobra Memo Clip Personalised colour thermo-mugs

Promotional Items: 0-9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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Calendar Lady Promotions
14A, Gloucester Road, Herefordshire, HR9 5BU
Tel:- 01989 565281 Fax:- 01989 565285

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